Monday, October 14, 2013

 It's easier to say that GameMaker is software that allows you to make a 2D or 3D game with little knowledge of programming langue, It even has it's own programming langue that you can easily learn it's called Game Maker Langue or GML. This programming langue allows you to develop a more complicated and advance game. Making 3D or 2D using GameMaker is easy there some helpful tutorials online witch shows you how to make a your first game wither it a 3D or 2D it is much easier. The latest version of GameMaker is 1.8 witch has the features to make a 3D game also there is a new GameMaker Out there it's called GameMaker: Studio it has more features than GameMaker but right now it has tons of bug to be honest. GameMaker Studio is available in 4 categories the first one is the free version witch allows you to access very limited amount of the GameMaker: Studio such as Mac OS x Export, Windows PC Export and Windows 8 Export. The second one is GameMaker: Studio Standard you have the features Mac OS x Export, Windows PC Export and Windows 8 Export and the ability to access unlimited resources.  The third one is GameMaker: Studio Professional you have more features such as Unlimited resources, Mac OS x Export, Windows PC Export and Windows 8 Export, Texture Management, Multiple Configurations, Team Features, Developer Services Portal, Mobile testing and you have the ability to add more features but you need to pay for every
single feature you want to add, The fourth one is GameStudio Masters Collection that hall the available features you can find for GameMaker: Studio you can have android IOS exports and more.

But beside everything I said it's time for me to share my own personal experience with GameMaker for me GameMaker Is much more than I said above it way for me to express my self to make my fiction story come to life in a form of a game. Still remember the first tine I heard about GameMaker I first thought is nice to have a software that allows you to make your own game for free....

It's your turn to your free game download GameMaker and GameMaker: Studio or if you wan't more information please visit for download link and more information